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Gönderen Yazmak Keyiftir 8.09.2009 Circa

Lytebox Deneme
Image #1
Devamı ..

-----------------------Lytebox deneme Son --------------------------------------------

-------------------- IFRAMED HTML WITH LIGHT BOX ---------------------------------
Google Search
-------------------- IFRAMED HTML END --------------------------------------------

-------------------- IFRAMED SCROLL WINDOW DEMONSTRATION -------------------------

This is a cool script that allows you to compact any content and confine it within a scrollable mini "window" Save valuable document space while making your page more "interactive", all at the same time! This script uses two different techniques- one for IE, one for NS- to create the scrollable window. Scrollbars will be available to IE 4 users to scroll the window, while NS users will need to use the "up" and "down" buttons instead (since NS does not support the adding of scrollbars to contents).

-------------------- IFRAMED SCROLL WINDOW DEMONSTRATION END -------------------------

----------------------- Fixed Tool Tip Deneme ---------------
JavaScript Kit
----------------------- Fixed Toll Tip Deneme End ---------------------------

Iframed SWF Display

------------------------ You Tube Iframed Test ------------------------------

Iframed YouTube Display

------------------------ You Tube Iframed Test ------------------------------

Iframed YouTube Display
------------------------ You Tube Iframed Test ------------------------------

Iframed YouTube Display

First tab is active by default:

Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Content of Tab #3
Blogger Widgets

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